Sütaş published its Sustainability Report
Saying “FOREVER LOVE OF MILK” for the health and happiness of individuals, the development and prosperity of society, and environmental sustainability, Sütaş has published its Sustainability Report, in which it explains its sustainability approach and the results of its activities in this area. Prepared in accordance with international GRI standards, the report also includes the sustainability targets for 2025, when Sütaş will celebrate its 50th anniversary.

Operating with its integrated business model "Farm to Table", Sütaş shared its 2020 Sustainability Report with the public, which includes the results of its work in the fields of "people, society, environment" and 2025 targets. Sütaş ensures the naturalness, taste and nutritional values of its products with its integrated business model, starting from fodder growth to fertilizers and energy production. The integrated facilities implemented with this model make significant contributions to the development of their regions with the economic and social impacts they create in their own regions. Sütaş aims to recover the natural resources it uses; meets its energy needs with renewable energy produced from the fertilizers and organic wastes of its farms. It contributes to regenerative agriculture with the organic and organomineral fertilizers it produces. Sütaş is the h2est example in Turkey of the "European Union Green Agreement - Farm to Fork" strategy, which envisages ensuring sustainability in the entire food chain.
Duygu Yılmaz, Chairman of Sütaş Sustainability Committee, said, “As Sütaş, the solution to global problems such as the rapid depletion and pollution of natural resources, climate change and food security; We believe that states, societies, companies and individuals take action together. We believe that making sustainability an integral part of their corporate culture and way of doing business and disseminating it to all their stakeholders will make significant contributions. With this responsibility, while working to share the goodness and abundance of milk, we naturally achieve results that contribute significantly to the "health and happiness of people", "development and prosperity of the society", and "environmental sustainability" with our sustainability-based "Farm to Table" integrated model and our basic business strategies. We are pleased to share with the public the results of our 2020 sustainability targets and the targets we have set for 2025, the 50th anniversary of Sütaş.
Assurance of Sütaş’s natural tastes; “Farm to Table” integrated business model
Sütaş; operates with the mission of offering natural and delicious dairy products that increase the quality of life of its consumers, give health and happiness. In order to fulfill this mission, it integrates, monitors and audits all production phases with its integrated business model "Farm to Table".
It ensures that its cows are fed with healthy fodder plants and natural feed produced in its own facilities, thus ensuring the reliability and naturalness of its products by obtaining high-quality milk with nutritional value from healthy cows. With its facilities located all over Turkey, it delivers its products to its consumers rapidly, preserving its freshness and naturalness.
Emphasizing the critical importance of healthy animals that are well taken care of in terms of raw milk quality, ensuring the safety of the products and productivity, Duygu Yılmaz said, “We continue our practices within the scope of the EU's animal welfare legislation in our farms. All our farms have “Disease Free and EU Approved Business Certificate”. We are committed to implementing the new regulations by closely following the EU's Green Reconciliation Farm-to-Fork Strategy by 2025.”
Planning to offer new products in the coming period, Sütaş aims to share more content on its packaging that informs and raises awareness of its consumers regarding the nutritional value and safety of its products.
It continues its investments to share the abundance of milk
Sütaş's "Farm to Table" business model is a "Regional Development Model" with its socio-economic impacts and inclusiveness. Bingöl Integrated Facilities investment, which will be Sütaş's 4th integrated facility after Karacabey, Aksaray and Tire, is also progressing rapidly.
Contributes to the development of the dairy industry
According to the Bingöl Regional Impact Analysis Report, which was prepared in 2020 and examines the effects of the investment on Bingöl and its surroundings, with Sütaş starting its activities, besides the 40% increase in GDP in the region, the change in production technology in the region, decrease in unemployment, improvement in the quality of workforce, Developments that will significantly change the region are expected, such as an increase in household incomes, cessation of out-migration, the return of qualified population, balancing in income distribution and acceleration of social and cultural transformation.
Contributes to the development of the dairy industry
Sütaş also contributes to the development of the industry by supporting the training of qualified manpower that the industry needs. Sütaş, which has been providing free education to 19,251 producers, students and entrepreneurs since 1998, aims to increase this number to 23,000 by 2025 in order to make dairy farming more healthy and productive in the country.
It meets 84% of the energy needs of its production facilities with the renewable energy it produces from its wastes.
Stating that they process the manure of their farms and the organic wastes of their factories in the biogas facilities located in their integrated facilities, they transform them into renewable energy, adding, “The amount of energy produced in our biogas facilities has reached a level that can meet 84% of the electricity needs of our production facilities. In 2020, the amount of greenhouse gas that we prevent from the production of renewable energy in our Biogas facilities was 75% more than the greenhouse gas emissions that occur as a result of our production activities. Thus, we sold 41,536 tons of gold standard certified carbon. We aim to generate 100% of our electricity need in our renewable energy facilities by 2025. We will also support this goal with solar energy production.” she said.
Sütaş, enriches the soil with organic and organomineral fertilizers
Sütaş, which uses the outputs of its biogas plants as organic and organomineral fertilizers in the production of forage crops and contributes to the improvement of the organic structure of the soil, aims to add 50,000 tons of organic matter to the soil every year by 2025. Stating that the importance of enriching the soil in terms of organic matter content is being understood more and more each day, Yılmaz stated that in the organic and organomineral fertilizer trials they carried out, they found increases in product yield up to 15% and in the organic matter content of the soil up to 40% compared to their equivalents.
Recovers the water it uses
Stating that efficient use of water is among their priorities as well as their responsibilities, Yılmaz said, “We purify all of the water we use in our facilities and return it to nature. We expanded the drip irrigation system, which we started to use in 2015, to all of our plant production activities. In this way, we have saved approximately 25-40% water. We aim to increase the water use efficiency in our factories, farms and offices by 15% by 2025 by expanding the water efficiency studies we have carried out so far.”
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