Food Safety from Farm to Table

Food Safety from Farm to Table

Milk is the most affordable, accessible, and beneficial food that brims with essential nutrients in an ideal balance to improve our overall health and well-being.

We established a comprehensive, integrated business model that we call “Farm to Table” for this miraculous food. From the feed our cows to the farms they live in, from the milk they produce to the dairy products delivered to your table, we manage entire process meticulously and inspect it down to the smallest detail.

Our “Farm to Table” model assures the naturality, taste and nutritional value of our products We monitor and inspect each step of production from feed intake and cattle farms to the milk production of our cows and the dairy products delivered to your table. Our Food Safety System revolves around proactivity, sustainability, and continuous improvement principles. Accordingly, we effectively manage all risks throughout the supply chain from Farm to Table.

  • In order to ensure the quality of our milk, we attach importance to feeding our cows with natural and healthy feeds. For this purpose we lead the production of forage crops with the contracted model. We provide support and training to all growers with whom we cooperate, about soil preparation, seed selection, efficient irrigation systems, organic fertilizer procurement and harvesting, and help them specialize in their work. 
  • We produce compound feed rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins in our feed production plants. 
  • Our cows live on the farms designed by our veterinarians and engineers in line with the international animal welfare rules and are fed organic feeds that we produce.
  • Our farms are equipped with digital technologies and advanced automation systems, enabling us to monitor our cows 24/7 and assure their health and welfare. Fresh and quality milk of our happy and healthy cows guarantees the naturality and deliciousness of our products.
  • We control and analyze the milk before entering our facilities, at laboratories in accordance with the accreditation rules with international reference methods, and accept milk that meets Sütaş Natural Taste standards at our facilities.
  • We manage our facilities with digital technologies and advanced automation systems, monitor and record all stages of milk in the facility with smart systems.
  • We provide sterile air quality in all areas where milk may come into contact with air. By this way, we eliminate all kinds of risks that may come from the air.
  • We make sure that our products do not carry any food safety and quality risks by passing them through final quality tests before they leave.
  • We keep witness samples of each batch of production in order to monitor all our products until the end of their shelf life.
  • Our cold chain delivery vehicles are constantly monitored for route and temperature levels until they reach sales points. If a product’s shelf life is brief, we clearly stamp the production date next to the expiration date to assure our consumers of our product’s freshness.
  • We repeat this process every day to bring you the goodness of milk and our natural and tasty dairy products.

In addition to this whole process we manage in our integrated facilities, we expect our material and service suppliers to operate within the scope of food safety, traceability and sustainability criteria. We encourage and audit them to improve their processes. By integrating the detailed coding systems of the raw materials we purchase into our own system, we achieve holistic traceability, including our suppliers.

Inspection of Dairy Farmers

We ask all our raw dairy farmers to comply with the quality, hygiene, animal health and welfare rules, and the relevant environmental measures in the legislation and the FSSC 22000 Food Safety System Certification Requirements.

To ensure these conditions are met, our Milk Quality Improvement Teams regularly inspect the farms and milk collection centers we work with. The milk we have purchased is inspected at farms and milk collection centers before it arrives at our production facilities.

Once the milk arrives at our production facility, it is subjected to physical, microbiological and chemical tests before going into production.

Inspection of Material and Service Suppliers

We select our suppliers systematically and fairly, and establish long-term relationships based on trust and cooperation.

We evaluate our suppliers according to food safety risks. As part of the purchasing process, we perform our supplier inspections according to the Quality Assurance Plan.

In our inspections, we consult AIB International’s Consolidated Standards for Inspection of Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs with some of the most well-established guidelines on food safety.

Inspection of Dairy Production

In addition to the legislation, we consult the following accreditation and certification schemes in our production activities.

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), which guarantees that the products meet food safety, Sütaş quality and legal requirements.

FSSC 22000 (Food Safety Management System), which is an internationally acknowledged food safety management standard, recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative. 

GFSI Global Food Safety Initiative, which is an improved version of the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System and aims to provide better GMP Management.